Thursday 17 November 2011

Creepy but awesome

Pursuit, 2010 chromogenic print, Adam Markarenko
I have a thing for Michael Sowa whose whimsical and wonderful art you may remember from the movie Amelie. If you don't know who he is,  it is worth a look. There is very little on the internet about him, but you can see examples of his work on many sites selling his work as posters. He is a German born painter that is often classified as a modern Surrealist. And behind the surface of well executed paintings of bears and rabbits is something dark and subversive.

When I recently saw the work of Adam Makarenko, it instantly brought Sowa to mind but there is a depth to these images captured on film that doesn't happen with in Sowa's paintings. Makarenko constructs each scene as a diorama by hand (BY HAND!!! yes i'm shouting. I dread the plasticine round in Scattegories) and then photographs the scene. On top of capturing an incredible level of detail, Makarenko manages to also captures something moody and haunting.

Wolf on the Road, 2010, chromogenic print, Adam Makarenko
 Digression (but very interesting) regarding Michael Sowa being a Surrealist. I'm sure you're thinking the same thing i did (okay, probably not, but play along) and saying to yourself, "How can this guy be a surrealist? his stuff doesn't look like Dali or Ernst, or anyone else that i associate with the Surrealist moment." Good question.  But think about the tenants of Surrealist - to show unexpected dichotomies and challenge perceptions of reality - and the label begins to make more sense. Also remember, Breton said that Surrealism was "first and foremost a revolutionary movement" and painting animals in the style of Classic painters qualifies as being a shit disturber in my book.
Fowl with Pearls, Michael Sowa

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