Friday 2 November 2012

I hate it when that happens

Den by Andre Petterson, 48 x 56 Mixed media on panel
The GALLERY THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED is having a show of Andre Petterson's work. I'm happy for him. I really am. Insert Jennifer Aniston type smile here.

It's not that I thought no one else knew about him. He is represented by a number of the bigger Canadian galleries. But it does ruin my fantasy that I am the only one who truly appreciates his work and that he is my secret discovery.  

I've been thinking a lot about why his becoming popular annoys me.  He is a talent worthy of great success.  Certainly part of  wanting to feel like you have the inside scoop and know about something that others don't. vanity. sigh. The other part of it is that I'm shocked to find that work which resonates so strongly with me, can appeal to so many other people.  The work I find dark and touching and hopeful and lonely all at the same times clearly says something (maybe even the same things) to many other people.  It's like finding someone else sitting in the rain listening to the Smiths. Shouldn't really be that shocking.  The power of great art - books, music, pairing- is that it speaks of the human experience in a way that feels personal. I am humbled.